So, I figured I should let you know what are the upload scheduled that I (try to) use. When I first started working on comics and drawings I wanted to avoid large page dumps or large hiatus, can't say I was successful, but... I decided the choose an upload schedule and after days, weeks, months... years... of debating I've decided on the following schedule. The Wallacian Library Wednesday Saturday The Railroad to the Afterlife Tuesday Thursday Fair-y-tail Monday Friday At approximate: 6:00 pm CET 10:00 am PDT 01:00 pm EDT (I don't think any Chinese read my comics XD ) On Sundays I will only post pages when I'm behind schedule, but only if I'm behind a month or less. If I'm behind a large quantity of pages I will upload on a daily basis. Now this is on paper, sorta speak, and I do sometimes upload in bulk just to be over with. I know this is not necessary since since nobody is forcing me, but I like and try to keep things organized. And one extra thing, I us...