
Showing posts from November, 2023

A surprising succcess

 It appears I've managed to merge F-y-t with the Railroad faster than I expected. yay I will read the comic soon to check if there are any problem with the page order, but I'm pretty sure it's ok. Now the only "problem" is that The Railroad is now somewhat ahead o schedule. After Crystal's story I will post the chapters that were from the Railroad so I don't know how may of you read the new chapters from the old Railroad... so yeah... sorry about that...

I cannot do this.

 OK, I've bitten of more than I can chew. Now that I'm a co-author as well... well... Having to work on 5 comics at a time is way to much. And since I don't want to cancel any of them... here is what I am going to do: The Railroad will be moved to Fair-y-tail again especially since both take place in the same universe. The Name of the comic will be The Railroad to the Afterlife but I will not change the link... so the links should not be affected. I'm canceling the idea of continuing the 2D version of the Library, I will implement the ideas in the 3D one... somehow. I am sooo tiered... See ya...

The Library 2D character version

 So I think I've managed to fix the wrong pagination for the 2D character version of the Library. Apparently I've posted some pages too early but it should be fixed now. Don't know how many of you saw the new pages sooo... sorry for the spoiler, I'll be more careful.   The 2D version will be updated only once a week, on a Saturday (I originally wanted to post on Sundays buuut... I don't like to post on Sundays, personal preference) With the 2D version I want to keep the challenge to create a massive fan-fiction crossover from multiple mythologies, cartoons, movies and games. With the 3D version I will keep the idea of fan fiction however, the character will be reinterpreted/redesigned, like Callie. I don't expect people to recognize them... so we'll see...   Cheers.  P.S. Also if you feel that this can be confusing keep in mid that you don't have to read both comics. :D

Wow! This month keeps getting better and better.

 I received an invitation as a co-author on another comic. I cannot give too much away but I can say it has a very interesting design. I will help with the writing and pagination, the graphic part and main story will be created by the main author. It is estimate that it will launch next year. So more details to come. This should not affect my own comics since now they are full 3D and they are a lot easier to work with. The 2D backup will be put on hold for a while since due to this and I do need to fix some problems (I messed up the page order) Anyway, back to work and see you soon, and hopefully see you on the new comic as well.

I have a surpsie for you! Are you ready?

 Are you ready? Are you? No, you are not... ... ... Get ready... [inhales deeply] ... THE NEW FULL 2D CHARACTER VERSION OF THE WALLACHIAN LIBRARY IS NOW AVAILABLE!!!! [author jumps out the window before the readers get the chance to grab him to throw him out the window themselves] OK! So, some context. Now that the official Library is with 3D characters as well it has entered the risk of database loss (be it HDD breakdown, model corruption, software incompatibility and all that technical stuff) So I was thinking that I need a extreme emergency backup, so after doing some thinking I've reached the conclusion that the 2D characters have the least number o dependencies and risks.   Let me explain: 3D Characters rely on: - a very large database (about 100 GB of models and textures that are interdependent of each other) - a somewhat powerful PC - compatibility between software and models - all of the above rely on each other to work 2D Characters rely on: - a very small database us...

Helena's transition

OK, so a little explanation. When I first designed Helena she was a female centaur, I wanted to take on the challenge of a lesbian centaur scene, but at the last minute I've decided to make her trans, then I've realized that the sex scene would have to easy to make, centaur on top of another centaur... pfff... booooring. So I wanted to return to the original idea of a lesbian scene, parts of the dialogue would have been changed but I didn't want to stop the comic again to make the changes. But since it seemed people preferred the trans idea (I think) and I stopped to think and I was like.... "waaaaait... the female private parts are not in the same place as the male ones! And I can do both! So Helena will have both, which will add a lot more to the WTF value. (Ssssssomebody stop me!) Also don't worry about the comments. I take criticism very well, and I'm glad when my reader express their opinions. And I think I can censure this scene for my other site (where i...

Official upload scheduels

So, I figured I should let you know what are the upload scheduled that I (try to) use. When I first started working on comics and drawings I wanted to avoid large page dumps or large hiatus, can't say I was successful, but... I decided the choose an upload schedule and after days, weeks, months... years... of debating I've decided on the following schedule. The Wallacian Library Wednesday Saturday The Railroad to the Afterlife Tuesday Thursday Fair-y-tail Monday Friday  At approximate: 6:00 pm CET 10:00 am PDT 01:00 pm EDT (I don't think any Chinese read my comics XD )   On Sundays I will only post pages when I'm behind schedule, but only if I'm behind a month or less. If I'm behind a large quantity of pages I will upload on a daily basis. Now this is on paper, sorta speak, and I do sometimes upload in bulk just to be over with. I know this is not necessary since since nobody is forcing me, but I like and try to keep things organized.   And one extra thing, I us...