Now, I did not describe the characters to the AI, because I don't have enough vocabulary and literary skill to describe more than black hair lady with big boobs.
So I've offered it my reference images that I used to keep track of the characters color and for other character I used scene form the comic itself.
I only asked it to give me a Realistic design... it did... most of the time.
How ever I will not create a different page for each character, instead I will update this one.
And without further ado, lets begin.
The Grim Reaper
Original image used to feed the AI
Wow... not bad AI... I could say it a good realistic interpretation.
It also
gave a toon version, it is quite similar to my stile only a bit more
soft shaded. Not bad. The comic would looked quite cool if I could have
managed this style, but it would have looked too generic/anime-ish
Full reaper mode
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Look like if Darth Sidious had a scythe.
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Hmmm... Didn't quite get the expression right, and it could not get her clothing. I could say her hair is what I would expect from a real person to look like.
Yeah... It's a good reinterpetation... I could say even spot on. GG AI.
Succubus form
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Original image used to feed the AI
Bruh... you forgot something XD
It's... ok... but too much specular.
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O_o Not bad... I think comrade you know who would not mid this body to host his soul.
Also got this more detailed anime version, cute... but as always... generic... still will not like, would not mind to be able to draw in this stile... I mean... I think I would have been capable but...
Original image used to feed the AI
Well... it figured it out she's a horse... Gold star for AI.
Death Undead Mode
Original image used to feed the AI
Original image used to feed the AI
This is a raw reference image without the hologram effects.
Stalin Christmas lights to get you in the Soviet holiday spirit.
Buenos dias, senior Stalin.
The Kremlin Android Guard(s)
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Meh...but it's a lot closer to mine.
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It go the hair right, but she look like she's made out of rubber.
Boobs are nice though.
Very, very interesting... I like the golden trims on her hair, but I don't understand why the color change...
Bastet is now a Sphinx cat XD
And again, nice boobs.
And as a bonus, I got a human version of Bastet.
She's actually cute. And I could see her in this human form.
Good job AI... good job indeed :)
The Queen of Mars
Even though she appeared only once, I was curious.
Original image used to feed the AI
Even though she appeared only once, I was curious.
Yeah... did not expect much.
Eve (aka Mother Nature/Mother Russia)
Original image used to feed the AI
Starting around here I've stopped creating reference images and just used the characters directly form their first appearance for reference.
Oh.... AI... you OK there buddy? You forgot 3 of her arms.
Nope... still missing 3 arms... and... what are you censuring there?
Wait... what... uhh...
Keep trying...
There ya go, all arms are present and accounted for, we have snake tail
but that's still drawn XD
And wrong skin color, and wrong hair color.
Eh... you tried.
Original image used to feed the AI
She looks like a toy.
Yeah... I don't know why it keeps insisting of making her like with these colors.
Vlad the Impaler
Original image used to feed the AI
I have no idea why I did this.
Uhmmm.... yeaaaaah... don't know what to say...
Alright... not bad, not bad at all... hair color is wrong, bot overall pretty accurate.
Original image used to feed the AI
I really like they eye.... but it made him too cute XD
OK... better... though he should not have eyes.
Don't why it didn't try for a realistic approach...
The Carriage Drive
(The centaur that took Katya to the Gorgon Springs)
Original image used to feed the AI
Uhm... a little side not... he is not a she...
At least it understood it's a centaur
Original image used to feed the AI
Nice... but... where are the snakes?
Those are not snakes... still... she looks nice :D
Original image used to feed the AI
Well... it's a dragon...
None of these speak "Lucifer" to me... they are just generic dragons.
Iri, Lucia and Silvia
(the 2D designs)
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Iri and Silvia look hot. I'm not even going to bother that none of the colors are correct.
They look like Disney princesses.
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I... I don't... understand... what... ?
OK... OK... not bad actually, I can actually call this The Black Horse of the Apocalypse.
Inferna (human form)
Original image used to feed the AI
Eyes look strange.
Infernal mode
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Nice, but where's the fire?
What the Hell am I even looking at?
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Looks like one of thos BDSMNSMD things.
OK... now that's more like it.... GG
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Looks like a Halloween decoration.
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Uhm... very generic...
Hmmm... looks ok...
Goebbels and Goering
Original image used to feed the AI
Original image used to feed the AI Results:
It... tried...
Is it that hard to get the colors right?
Sibella bat form
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You're welcome for the nightmares.
[Face palm]
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Close enough...
Nicolae and Elena
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Nicolae and Elena Marksmann version
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Oh, now I get it... it thinks those are backpacks.
Sir Topham Hatt
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Colors, again
Why yellow?
Dr. Killjoy
Original image used to feed the AI
I think the hair is correct.
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Oh boy.... get ready...
Are you ready?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! What even is that?
Not bad.
Si and Ko
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Both look like plastic dolls.
Boris and Artyom
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Don't have a better image that is large enough.
Best it can do.
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She was not censure for the AI, it's only for this site. Don't laugh, even thoug the way I mad nippels was very simpplistic it was still enough to get the comic banned a lost more than 1000 readers.
The hair is pretty accurate.
The Medic and Doctor Mario
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So it know who Mario is... XD
Yuri Gagarin
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Can't accuse the poor AI to much... I have no idea how to draw hands.
But overall... not bad
Oh! Wow! Nice.
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Awwwww... cute. :D
So... Officially Laika is the last character in the old 2D design. And I've moved to full 3D characters.
However, before the official transition some character were still made with the 2D style since I was not sure at that time about the transition.
Everybody's favorite comrade.
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Yeah, not even the AI knows who he is.
So I gave it... a little hint...
Yup... it's official, not even the AI can make a good drawing of him.
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And this is the best it can come up with...
Original image used to feed the AI
I'm surprised it figured it out she's a centaur with the little information it had in the original image.
You failed....
And last but not least...
Original image used to feed the AI
And, that is it... hope you ennjoyed this little rollercoaster ride down the AI track.
What can I say... It's good to add more details to the drawings, and to just create a random image, but f you want something very spefici... well... I'll make a seperate post for that.
Next week I will try it with my 3D characters.
I will use the same settings, as in to create a Realistic image from what I give it and see whet it does, (I'm out of credits again)
Howeverm thist time I will be a lot stricter on the "Structure match"
This is hilarious, man! This is hilarious! :-) There is also a neuron based on the old version of Stable Diffusion, about 0.9, judging by the artifacts.