New comic scheduels and priorities

The latest decision regarding my comics.

I've created priorities to try and optimize my workflow for my comics.

Priority 0 

The Library

This will be the highest priority comic since it's my first comic, the comic I spent the most time on, my longest, the most overly complicated comic and I don't want to remain behind with it ever again.

The Library will remain with the stable (as much as possible) upload schedule on Wednesdays* and  Saturdays*.

On this comic I "need" to work constantly and need to keep a healthy 2 page/week completion rate to avoid a hiatus.

Priority 1

The Archive (2D character version of the Library)

Yes... to, what I think, most people's dismay, The Archive is next in line in the priority list.

The reason for this comic is to avoid the temptation of changing the Library's art style, and to attempt the original chaos that I wanted to make.

Much like the Library, this comic will also remain on a stable upload schedule but with only one page a week, on Fridays*

I don't have enough time and ideas to keep the Archive as well.

Last Priority

The Railroad and F-y-T

Ah yes, my two mistakes that caused all this mess. Even to this day I am surprised on how many people like F-y-T, what makes me sad is that I don't have many ideas for it... anyway...

These comics will have a completely different, style and upload schedule.

Starting now, on these comics I will work and post in bulk, and only if I have time left in the week, I will explain in the work schedule section.

These comics will not be posted one page a week like before, they will be posted one chapter at a time when it's done.

For example, I've just finished Chapter 7 of the Railroad so now I will start working on F-y-T's Part 6 and when it is done I will post it entirely then I will start Chapter 8 of the Railroad, post that one and so on.

Yes there will be long periods of no uploads for these comics but this is the only way I can keep them alive without interfering with my main comics.

And no, I cannot post the page when it's done because of how I work in bulk. I:

1. Come up with the idea for the chapter and write it down alongside the dialogues

2. Create the base pages and paneling to extract the panels size

3. Prepare and process all images for each panel of each page

4. Edit each image

5. Import each image into the page

6. Add motion lines and extra stuff (if any)

7. Add dialogue bubbles

8. Export the final images

9. Post

Also, the above method cannot maintain a stable schedule (I've tried it before).

How I will work on the comics...

I've created a simple spreadsheet with dedicated time.

The work week is between Saturday and Friday  (most of my time to work on my comics is during the weekend)

I will start with my Priority 0 comic and complete the minimum set pages (3 in this case)

Next it will be Priority 1 where I need to complete it's set pages (2 in its case)

And for the rest of the week I will work on the Chapter for the Last Priority comic.

*pages are posted usually on 7 PM my local time. US is behind, Asia is ahead of me


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