New style question for some character of F-y-T

I will soon resume F-y-T...

However, I did some upgrade to some of the character.

The reason for this was because the old ones were... well... old models... and they were quite difficult to work with.


Now my question is: What do you thing?

I'm mostly interested for Silvie, since I did try to upgrade her before, but people did not like the results that much, and to be honest, neither did I:

The expressions are pre-made, I only use them for tests like this.

The disadvantages for the old model was: difficulty with working with her facial expressions, and low resolution textures.

If you don't like how she looks and prefer the old version please tell me as soon as possible so I don't make to many pages with the new model.

Personally I like this version because it's a lot easier to work with. Aesthetically both look the same to me... maybe the old version was a little more cute, but this one is not that bad.

Here is Amaya

 She looks OK... she's not that pale as her previous model, but she's nice and has a lot more detail. The old version's skin was not mad for the new method on image processing that now use.

The firs 3D version of Katya from the Railroad used the same skin as Amaya but using the old method of image processing.

And here is Volna:

Volna actually turned out ver, very nice... I consider this a major improvement, I've changed her hair style, I did have a pony tail for her but did not look that great.


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