I have a surpsie for you! Are you ready?

 Are you ready?

Are you?

No, you are not...



Get ready...

[inhales deeply]



[author jumps out the window before the readers get the chance to grab him to throw him out the window themselves]

OK! So, some context.

Now that the official Library is with 3D characters as well it has entered the risk of database loss (be it HDD breakdown, model corruption, software incompatibility and all that technical stuff)

So I was thinking that I need a extreme emergency backup, so after doing some thinking I've reached the conclusion that the 2D characters have the least number o dependencies and risks.


Let me explain:

3D Characters rely on:

- a very large database (about 100 GB of models and textures that are interdependent of each other)

- a somewhat powerful PC

- compatibility between software and models

- all of the above rely on each other to work

2D Characters rely on:

- a very small database used only for reference and color (that can be recovered from previous pages)

- a graphics tablet that can be replaced (I've already changed 2 or 3)

- a simple 2D software that can be easily replaced

- uhm... me

In conclusion here is what I'll do:

Once a week, on Sunday (my time) I will post a page on the Library that has 2D characters only... however due to my strange method of working the 2D version will not be the same as the 3D one.

You see in my comics the story is adapted to the limitations that I have.

Take Death for example: 

In the 3D version her model has changed because the 3D models of horses that I have are not expressive enough for such a complex character and because of this change the story flow is changed as well.

In the 2D version she remains a horse.

So the main idea of the story is not changed and the character personalities are the same just how they look and how the story flows is changed.

Another change is that a chapter for the 2D version will consist of about 30 pages and they will be a lot more condense with about 1-3 panels.

Now... I am aware that this is super confusing and to be honest I don't quite recommend reading both versions and suggest you stick with the style you like the  most. But if you think you can handle both of them you can find it by searching TWL on comic fury. (I'm still keeping my no link policy)


The story flow change starts at Chapter 14, after page 751.



[start running away as fast possible yelling] 

Ha-haaa... you can't catch me! I have cheats!




  1. It is a little confusing, indeed.
    But technical problems occurred with other authors as well. Maybe your are on a good path, if you can handle all that different versions in your brain. I stay turned and try to reread even the redone old pages, because I like your style very much. I try to think the different stories as what thy are: different stories.
    Hope I am no to confused.


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