Good news

Finally the temperatures fell to a bearable level. They may go up again next week, so I've heard, but I did manage to prepare few pages.

However, I've changed my method of working to a chapter per comic, previously was 2 to 3 pages, but that method proved unreliable and slow.

Working on an entire chapter I can stay in the story flow and keep the momentum until the chapter is finished.


Right now I'm working on the Library to complete the current chapter. Then it will be F-y-T's turn, to complete it's chapter, with the Railroad last where I need to make a few changes to the characters now that The Library is 3D as well.

For now the Library may get a daily page update until a return back on schedule. I don't want to post too many pages at once since I don't want to burden the translation correctors (thank you again for the corrections 😁 ) and I don't want to make a whole bunch of corrections at once.


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