Possibility for the Library to go back to 2D Characters

 I know, I know...

I've been going back and forth on The Library's style for more than a year.

I have a strange way of working.... Most people (if I'm not mistaken) create a story and the express that story in an art style/art form. I do the opposite, I choose a style and create a story for it.


But I digress...

One of the main reason for this is to help The Railroad. The 3D character from the Library were originally designed for The Railroad as an upgrade from the old outdated character models.


So what is the problem?

The problem is:

- for the Library I have a story with 2D characters but not with 3D characters.

- for the Railroad I have a story with the upgraded characters but not with the old ones

I've tried using the current characters with the old ideas but it simply does not work. I don't know why... well I know why... I don't like how it looks (Death's horse model looks horrible and she's not the only one, Callie's model also does not look good).

The solution?

Well... The Library will go back to it's 2D characters after Katya finishes her story. 

The previous pages will be transformed to 2D but it's going to take some time.

On the plus side, I do have some old 2D pages already completed so technically I am covered for a while.

The Railroad will get the upgraded 3D characters that I originally planned.

As for time? Well... think I'm going to give up an whole scheduling thing and post when I can.


Over time I may change my idea again, I hope not


While we're on the subject of character update, I'm thinking of updating Volna and Amaya from F-y-T, but I'm not 100% sure.



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