Callie 3D version


I don't normally ask these types of questions, but this time I'm going to make an exception.

 So, in case I have to continue to use 3D characters for the Library this will be the model I will use for Callie:



Side note, the images are raw renders so some problems with the model are visible.

Now considering that this is the favorite for some...

I will be asking....

What do you think?

Is it OK, do I need to make any changes? Don't know if I can but I'll try...

If you consider that... well... it ruins the character I can do one of the followings:

Remove the character completely or at the very least create a new character using this model.

Postpone Callie's reappearance until I return to 2D if you don't like the 3D version.

My personal opinion is that... it's OK... it's not great but it's not terrible, but I don't know if it's "Callie" enough for the fans... if you understand what I am saying. 


Leave your opinions in the comment section below (anonymous comments are allowed). Just remember, no links please.




  1. troy8140 (Tongue for Rent)September 16, 2023 at 7:10 AM

    I think everything from the neck up on this one is perfect. Her coloring/hair color matches very nicely. Face wise, I'd say remove the shading from her glasses, unless shes outside. Body is almost spot on, love the nice curves. The only thing I would change would be an increase in breast size and Nip size, but that's also just my preference speaking. Still a great character over-all.

    1. Good to hear, thanks :D. The presentation images are rendered with simulated sunlight at around 1 PM (I don't know if I can remove shadows, I'll check) I may increase her breast size a little but not the nip.

  2. I'm thinking of leaving it as it is. I like her. And yes, I will be glad to see her more and more often.

    1. And a small addition to my comment: I would slightly remove the fluffiness of the tail, since personally for my taste - it is too fluffy) It's not critical, but subconsciously it seems that she should be ALL fluffy in all places ;)

    2. It's going to take some time before she appears. Probably around the middle of the next chapter (let's say December maybe, I'm not quite sure) I may actually remove the fluff from the tail mostly because it's too resource intensive for my pc.

    3. Stunning, a little more 'cartoony' than the others but that can be chalked up to the 'Roger Rabbit' effect' ;)
      Her boobs are exactly the right size for her frame, I'd even say a little less full might be better.
      I do agree about her tail though, it would be a great look if she was startled or angry or she'd peed on an electric fence, and would go good with the last two headshots. I'd keep it for speacial occassions like that and see if maybe it can be smoothed down a little for everyday use. The colour should maybe match her hair ? and of course a little foxy 'briar patch' would be the same colour as well, although wasn't she blonde before ?
      Fantastic work all around, I'm really enjoying the stories and the beautiful models to go with it don't hurt, can't wait to see Sibella's.

    4. forgot to add the screen name for clarity and continuity ;)

    5. Oh, man... I really liked "Roger Rabbit", I am still amazed how they pulled it off.
      Now for the hair color, I have some some blond colors, but personally I like this one better.
      Sibella model is complete, and I'm very happy with the results, however, I was not successful in creating 2 tones for her hair. But even so I'm fine with it.
      And I'm surprisingly impressed with Vlad's model as well.

    6. The movie was pretty good, I read the book long before that came out so I was annoyed at the parts they changed completely.
      The cartoon/live action mix was used way before that, 'Song of the South' is the first one to pop into my head, but there were a lot more going all the way back. 'Roger Rabbit' was a little more seamless but not by all that much considering the tech advances over 50+ years.
      I suppose her hair is sort of blondish, the red does look good and it's a woman's prerogative to change it when she feels like it, but if you enter 'Wallachian Library Callie' into a search engine, all you get is blonde...including her 'briar patch' if you turn the safe search off ;)

    7. Roger Rabbit was the first cartoon I've ever seen mixed with live action so that's probably why I was so impressed.
      Now I don't quite understand the last part, but... I don't know what search engine you are using, but searching Callie in relation to the Library should NOT give you any results since I did not tag them together. I only created 2 images with the 3D model and only one 2D that are officially posted by me.
      So be careful, I sometimes search me or my comics and sometimes I find some of my work on some very strange sites.
      I will soon post a list with the sites that I use.

  3. I liked this cat from the very beginning, and in 3D she became even better. But what is that scar on her forehead?

    1. Don't worry about it, there are a few models that have that "scar", I don't know why it appears... I think it's because of the hair or brow movement, I usually fix this in post after the image is rendered. What you see here is the raw image made only for testing purposes.

    2. I have no doubt at all that you can handle this. And I'm looking forward to her appearance in the comic ;-)


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