Railroad chapter complete and F-y-T resume

 So, I've finally completed and uploaded Chapter 6 for the Railroad, I am still behind but at leas is not half a year, and I do have a stable/general idea for Chapter 7.

I will also resume F-y-T now, I don't think I'll post or work in bulk anytime soon, at leas not a full chapter. It's a lot faster in bulk but gets boring towards the end when I have to do small repetitive stuff, like putting the page number.

Now, for those who are subscribed you may not get notifications for new pages ( I think) when I post pages that are behind I set the date to the time when it should've been posted I notice that doing this the comic does not appear in the "Just update" section so... yeah... it is going to take some time to get back on track... sorry...

Hope you still enjoy the comics



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