All comics are on scheduel and beyond

 So I finally manage to complete all pages for The Railroad's FyT part.

I've decided to bulk upload them on Dec 1st, since it was getting annoying to have to post a page at the current date then change the time to the original date that is was supposed to be posted (because, from what I've heard, the site sends notifications to subscriber for the set date when uploading and not that there is an update, confusing I know... in short subscribers where not getting notifications)

But don't worry, I have enough pages on standby so I'll wont get behind schedule (I hope)

Now, let me tell you what are plans for the future:

    1. The Wallachian Library - All is good for the old library... ideas are set, I have a few pages already prepared, and no plans of going back to 2D... If the models are lost... I'll worry about that later... my hope is that I'll be able to make enough pages ahead of schedule to have time to fix any unpleasant surprises.


    2. The Railroad to the Afterlife - ahhhh... the Railroad, my first mistake... I should've just cut my losses with the animation and just never made the dam thing... buuut... eh... the merge with F-y-T gave me enough pages to be covered for a whole year so plenty of time to come up with a different story...


    3. Fair-y-Tail - welp... yeah... it is still canceled and merged with the Railroad... I'm keeping its site just for the fans but it is going to stop around the end of the year. I really don't know what else to write for it. And don't start with backstories for Amaya and Silvie. 

Volna's backstory was rather similar with what I originally had in mind (she was supposed to be captured by pirates and then sold on the black market, I think and old version of Amaya was supposed to buy her). 

Crystal's back story was a lot different, she was in a guard exchange program and had a hidden relationship with the princess of the Unicorn Empire but they were caught and that's what got her exiled.

For Silvie there is a back story... but it was supposed to be told in the Railroad by Lily. And it may still be told so no spoilers.

For Amay... I got nothing... maybe at some point... but right now... nothing 


    4. The Wallachian Archive - So, some may have stumble upon the Archive... Some part of me still wants to make that overly complicated idea of a mass crossover comic in a 2D character style. But... I don't have the time make at least 2 pages a week, that would mean that I need to make a minimum of 2 large drawings if both pages are single panel or a maximum  of 12 drawings if both pages have 6 panels (give or take)

But... if I reduce the page count to one page per week than meas I'll have to work between 1 and 6 witch is as lot more doable.

However... the idea is very complicated too complicated, and I've seen people struggle to understand the prequel, and I did receive some negative feedback that everything is all over the place and lacks consistency... there always was a conflict between the story and characters.

    4. Yeah... it takes too long, even with one page a week and I want to concentrate more on the Library its self.

So to sum up... her are my current intentions for the comics as of now.

- The Library will keep the story idea (believe it or not, it's the only comic that has the ending prepared) with a rather vast cast of characters, each chapter will focus on some of the characters in order to progress the story. I don't know how or if I'm going to add other characters, but I'll see in future chapters.

The story has priority over the characters. 

- The Railroad (with F-y-T now included) will be a bit more character focus, especially since it does not have fan-fiction (I don't think the 4 sisters of the apocalypse count as fan-fiction of the 4 horsemen).

The characters and their relationship with each other have priority over the story (at least this is my intention, don't know if I'll be successful at it) + a lot of back stories and a lower cast of characters (only 3 more will appear in the future as of writing)


- The Archive... well... it will be a mess... THE MESS I originally intended to make...

The high number of fan-fiction character with crossovers will have priority, and... oh boy... If I decide to keep this comic it's going to be one gigantic WTF that nobody except for me would understand, but at least I'll enjoy reading it.

But, will all that said. I want to thank each and every one you for your patience, and for sticking around to read/view my little stories, even with all the ups and downs, derailments and re-railments, track switching and all that.

And hope I won't disappoint you too much :D



  1. Glad to hear, you are thinking of the future again. Hope you enjoy what is coming up as your readers do.
    I'm eager for the upcoming stories.


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