Welcome, If you stumbled here by accident let me introduce myself, I am The Heretic Locomotive, I'm a webcomic writer. If you are one of my readers I welcome you to my little blog post. Here I will (try) to post news and updates regarding my work.
OK, so a little explanation. When I first designed Helena she was a female centaur, I wanted to take on the challenge of a lesbian centaur scene, but at the last minute I've decided to make her trans, then I've realized that the sex scene would have to easy to make, centaur on top of another centaur... pfff... booooring. So I wanted to return to the original idea of a lesbian scene, parts of the dialogue would have been changed but I didn't want to stop the comic again to make the changes. But since it seemed people preferred the trans idea (I think) and I stopped to think and I was like.... "waaaaait... the female private parts are not in the same place as the male ones! And I can do both! So Helena will have both, which will add a lot more to the WTF value. (Ssssssomebody stop me!) Also don't worry about the comments. I take criticism very well, and I'm glad when my reader express their opinions. And I think I can censure this scene for my other site (where i...
I will soon resume F-y-T... However, I did some upgrade to some of the character. The reason for this was because the old ones were... well... old models... and they were quite difficult to work with. Now my question is: What do you thing? I'm mostly interested for Silvie, since I did try to upgrade her before, but people did not like the results that much, and to be honest, neither did I: The expressions are pre-made, I only use them for tests like this. The disadvantages for the old model was: difficulty with working with her facial expressions, and low resolution textures. If you don't like how she looks and prefer the old version please tell me as soon as possible so I don't make to many pages with the new model. Personally I like this version because it's a lot easier to work with. Aesthetically both look the same to me... maybe the old version was a little more cute, but this one is not that bad.
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