The first Library

You won't believe this but,


 While preparing the back-up drive for the database I've found the first version of the Library. Backthen I wanted to draw the backgrounds as well

If I remember correctly I've went to color when I've reached the scene when Death first appeared.

Though the problem was the backgrounds, coloring them would have taken too much time and the risk of forgetting details. And that's when I've decided to go with 3D backgrounds.

Yes, with 3D it takes a lot of time at first to build the props, texturing, arrange the scene and lighting. But in the long run, it's a time saver and has a lot of reusability.

What do you think? Would you have read the comic if you've seen it in this style? XD


  1. Would I have read the commic in black and white scratch style?
    I really don't know. But it hand not cough me so easy.


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